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Thank you for your participation with the HL7 Mobile Health App Data Exchange Project!

The initial scope of this project is to analyze variation in FHIR data exchanged from mobile health apps and devices for personal health information. Because mobile health apps and devices can convey a wide variety of data including hundreds of different kinds of measurements, this project will first look at a limited scope of data, including vital signs, physical activity, sleep and blood sugar.
What Your Participation Means

As a part of this project and the associated connectathon being held during the 2019 HL7 Annual Plenary, participants will be testing synchronization and exchange of mobile health app and mobile device data (e.g., glucometers, blood pressure cuffs, fitness trackers, etc.). 

As an aspect of this research and development, for participants who are using or sharing their own app or device data (vs a fake user account) it is possible that identifiable personal health information will be exposed to researchers, exposed during transport, and/or exposed to storage systems, of which some or all will NOT be HIPAA-compliant.

All due care and due diligence will be taken to reduce the chance of unwanted exposure of this data (whether identified or de-identified), but this notice and informed consent are meant to document the knowledge and willing participation in this project within these limitations.

Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 2. Your Name and Primary Contact Information:

By clicking the submit button below I acknowledge that I have read and understood this notification of informed consent and voluntarily consent to participate in this research project.
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