The Arkansas general assembly meets every other year for a "Fiscal Session" to pass appropriation bills. These appropriation bills grant the authority for specific agencies/departments to spend taxpayer money on specific line-items. The "Fiscal Session" is the culmination and full legislative process for the budgeting and spending of taxpayer money. The fiscal session is only for appropriation bills, unlike the regular legislative session which takes place every other year in odd numbered years. The Arkansas constitution, Article 5, Section 5 lays out the details of the Fiscal Session and what can take place during the session. This quiz will highlight what the Fiscal Session is, its history, and the process of spending taxpayer money in Arkansas.

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* 1. Under the Arkansas Constitution, how many votes does it take to appropriate (grant spending authority) taxpayer money?

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* 2. Under the Arkansas Constitution, when does the Arkansas General Assembly's fiscal session take place?

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* 3. In what year was the first Arkansas General Assembly Fiscal Session?

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* 4. Under the Arkansas Constitution, what type of bills are considered during a fiscal session?

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* 5. May the legislature amend the rules to hear other bills other than appropriation bills during the fiscal session?

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* 6. When will the fiscal session begin in 2018?

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* 7. Can the legislature itemize specific program budgets for seperate votes instead of lumping them in together into an entire department's appropriation bill for one single vote?

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* 8. Have you subscribed to Conduit for Action's email list to get new surveys and articles automatically sent to your inbox?

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* 9. In what town do you live?