Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Deadline for Submission: March 2, 2018, 5:00 PM
Youth Leadership Day Date: May 4, 2018

Request for Proposals
Workshop proposals are requested from presenters that will engage high school
students who are leaders in their communities. We are looking for youth groups, youth volunteers leaders, civic engagement leaders, service-learning practitioners, community and faith-based youth groups, youth service clubs, and civic engagement leaders.

Youth Leadership Day audiences will include over 1,000 high school students from across the state to hear inspirational speakers, attend leadership development workshops, and network with their peers. We seek sessions that will be interactive and engaging for youth. All presenters should keep in mind that we are looking to motivate Arizona's future leaders to recognize their inherent skills and gain the necessary tools to assist them in positively contributing to the development of a stronger, safer, and more prosperous state. 

Criteria for Selection
Sessions will be selected that effectively address volunteerism and/or youth leadership and the Youth Leadership Day theme: A Passion to Serve. We also want the workshops to provide interactive activities which will effectively engage high school age students. The following are the categories for which you will apply so that we can be sure to provide a balance of session topics for attendees: 

• Volunteerism – Assessing organizational/community needs, effective practices volunteer program organization, management & supervision, training, recruitment, retention, recognition, collaborations with community agencies, liability and safety, mentoring, developing advocates, utilizing technology to get involved, current volunteer trends, raising funds in support of volunteer engagement efforts, offering effective training.

• Youth Leadership -- Relating to one the key characteristics, including: writing your mission statement, finding your passion, taking charge and finding your inner leader, finding your leadership compass. 

• Civic Engagement – Working to make a difference in in the quality of life of our communities by developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, motivation combined with positive action to make that difference. 

• Personal Youth Development – Relationship skill building, politely listen, respectfully disagree, bridging possibilities in your life.

Submission Process

Applications must be submitted electronically through the RFP below. Accepted presenters will be required to submit presentation materials for posting prior to the start of the Summit.

Selection Process
Proposals will undergo a review process, taking into consideration the selection criteria and factors such as presentation feedback from past Summits, relevance, program balance and space availability. All applicants will be notified no later than April 6, 2018. If accepted, presenters will receive additional information on registering and preparing for Youth Leadership Day.

Presentation Benefits
As a summit presentation organizer, you will receive:
• The opportunity to showcase your program, organization, service, materials and/or publications
• Statewide visibility and recognition
• Exposure to youth from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds

PLEASE NOTE: All Presenters submit this RFP.

PLEASE CONSIDER:   The text boxes for  the Session Abstract, Additional Information and Presenter Bio(s) have character limits.  Please plan accordingly.   

Summit Organizing Committee Contact:
Nikki Green

Youth Leadership Day Location for 2018: Grand Canyon University, 3300 West Camelback Road, Phoenix, Z 85017

Question Title

* 1. Session Organizer Contact Information:

Question Title

* 2. What is the title of your proposed Workshop Session

Question Title

* 3. Session Abstract for Publication (600 character maximum) *
Please include:
1) The purpose and goals of your session
2) The key points you will make
3) New tools/knowledge will participants receive at the session
4) How the presentation is interactive and engaging for participants.

Question Title

* 4. Additional Session Information(1,500 character maximum):
Please provide the following additional information:
1) Describe the research and/or evidence upon which your workshop will be based.
2) How does your workshop ispire youth to lead?
3) Have you presented this workshop for other trainings/conferences? If yes, where and when?

Question Title

* 5. If you are selected to present, how will you engage with your networks to help promote attendance? (please check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. Will youth be engaged as presenter(s) for your proposed session?

Question Title

* 7. Presenter/Group Biographical Sketch for publication (600 character maximum)

Question Title

* 8. Will you be prepared to present your session twice?