Welcome to My Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.
You are invited to take part in the research project identified above which is being conducted by Dr Debra Donnelly from the School of Education at University of Newcastle.
Why is the research being conducted?
This research aims to explore how and why teachers are using historical representations such as museum exhibitions, historical feature film and computer games, in their teaching of History. This is an under-researched area in Australia.
This project uses an online survey to gather information from a large number of teachers and this is followed by a series of semi-structured interviews to deepen the investigation. The interview participants are drawn from those who volunteer by providing their email address at the end of the online survey.
Who can participate in this research?
This research is open to all History teachers from the public or independent education sectors, who have taught the subject in schools in the last 5 years.
What will you be asked to do?
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to:
Complete a brief, anonymous online survey that provides some information about your teaching experience, training and context.
Complete the online survey about the methodologies, practice using polymorphic historical representations.
Consider participating in a semi-structured interview with the named researchers about the history teaching methodologies and practice using polymorphic historical representations. This interview may be face-to-face or via telephone or internet.
How much time will it take?
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes depending on the length and detail of answers and the interview will be about 30 minutes.
What choice do you have?
Participation in this research is entirely your choice. Whether or not you decide to participate, your decision will not disadvantage you in any way. If you do decide to participate you may withdraw from the project at any time during the interview without giving a reason. Due to the anonymous nature of the survey you will not be able to withdraw it after submission. Interview participants will have the option to review and edit the transcripts of the interview. A transcription service will be used to transcribe the interviews. These documents will be de-identified before being sent to the service to ensure confidentiality.
What are the risks and benefits of participating?
There are no risks or direct personal or professional benefits to participants. However, the findings may provide insights that can assist in History teacher preparation programs, and/or contribute to future discussions about the shape of the national History curriculum.
How will your privacy be protected?
All efforts will be made to protect your privacy and anonymity. The survey data produced by participants will be collected through a secure web interface. All data collected will be stored at the University in a secure location on a password protected computer and/or in a locked filing cabinet in the Chief Investigator’s office, held for a period of at least 5 years after publication of the findings, and then destroyed. Questionnaire data will only be used to develop a profile of different socio-cultural groups, not of individual participants. The email addresses of those interested in participating in the interview component will be collected separately from the survey, so as to retain the anonymity of the survey data. Only the named researcher will perform the data analysis. Any information collected by the researcher which might identify you will be stored securely and only accessed by the researcher unless you consent otherwise, except as required by law.

How will the information collected be used?
The survey data will be collected and analysed by the researcher using qualitative data analysis methods. The interviews will be recorded and transcribed and analysed by the researcher using qualitative data analysis methods. Findings of the study will be published in academic journals, disseminated in conference proceedings, or other academic forums and publishing venues, but no individual will be identified or identifiable. Those involved in the interviews will be able to request a summary of the results.
Will I receive any payment for participating in the study?
No payment will be received for participating in the study.
What do you need to do to participate?
Please read this Information Statement and make sure you understand its content before you consent to participate. If you decide to participate please go to  (Survey Monkey survey address) to complete the survey. The completion of the online survey will be taken as your implied consent to participate.  If there are queries or questions on this project, please contact the researcher via telephone on: (02) 4921 6231 or email: debra.donnelly@newcastle.edu.au

 If you would like to participate in the interview phase of the project, complete the online survey and when asked provide your email address in a separate section at the end of the survey. You may then be sent an offer via email of an interview with this Participant Information Statement and a Consent Form. After the Consent Form is signed and returned via email and the arrangements will be made for an interview at a time and platform convenient to the participant and researcher.  Ensure that you retain a copy of this participant information statement.

This project has been approved by the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee, Approval No. H- 2017-0057
Should you have concerns about your rights as a participant in this research, or you have a complaint about the manner in which the research is conducted, it may be given to the researcher, or, if an independent person is preferred, to the Human Research Ethics Officer, Research Services, NIER Precinct, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia, telephone (02) 4921 6333, email Human-Ethics@newcastle.edu.au.