We're so pleased that you've committed to attend Humanities in Action (HIA). HIA will take place at the Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall Street) from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday, November 17, 2019.

HIA addresses the hunger shown by Yale students for exploring the multiverse of careers that the humanities open up. Here’s what you can expect:

➢ Yale alums -- at all stages of widely-differing career paths -- will convey their real-life experiences from far beyond campus: Coca-Cola, The Smithsonian, Art Institute of Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, Duke & Winston, The Hood Museum (Dartmouth), IvyConnect, Presidio, Private Prep, Teach for America, Wellinks, and Xenia Visuals.

➢ This will be truly interactive; small groups will discuss real-life career choices

➢ Your registration (below) will help us design thought-provoking panel and breakout topics

➢ You'll have time to connect with panelists and fellow attendees

We'll do the best we can to accommodate all registrants, but space is limited.