UDEQ Survey/Short Form

Please answer the following questions to help us assess how we are doing.
The survey addresses only the quality and the professionalism of the interaction and is not intended to evaluate any associated legal requirements.You may also contact the Ombudsman Office at 801 536-4108 to speak to us directly or email us at DEQOmbudsman@utah.gov  

Question Title

* 1. Which Division of UDEQ is associated with your response to this survey? (Please identify multiple Divisions if applicable).

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* 2. What was the nature of your interaction with UDEQ.

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* 3. Overall, how would you rate the service you received from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ)?

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* 4. Do you have additional comments or recommendations? (Optional)

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* 5. If you have recently been inspected by UDEQ or had an environmental permit issued please consider taking a few more minutes to give us additional information to help us serve you better.