
Please set aside 10 minutes to complete this survey. It is recommended that you use a laptop or tablet.

The responses to this survey will be collated and analyzed to identify:
1) Gaps in HHT research, from the basic science perspective
2) HHT research priorities, from the basic science perspective
3) Ways to enable collaboration, from the basic science perspective

The data are collected by Cure HHT and will be used exclusively for the described purpose of the survey. Results will be aggregated and anonymous. Data collected will not be shared with third parties. Cure HHT will store your data exclusively for the time necessary for the project. Participants have the right to revoke their consent at any given time by contacting research@curehht.org. You can find further information on our privacy policy here.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to have Cure HHT store and use the data for the described purpose of the survey?