Registration: June 23rd (Thursday) Matchmaking Workshop by Innovation Booster Robotics hosted during "The Future of Construction" Symposium at ETH Zurich

Registration to Innovation Booster Robotics Event: June 23rd

1.What is your first name? 
2.What is your last name? 
3.What is your affiliation?
4.What is your position?
5.What is your e-mail address?
6.I would like to participate in session I:  13:00-14:00 (please choose only 1 session)
7.I would like to participate in session II: 14:00-15:00 (please choose only 1 session)
8.I would like to participate in session III: 15:00-16:00 (please choose only 1 session)
9.I consent to pictures and videos being taken of me for promotional purposes of Innovation Booster Robotics only
10.Please leave any comments you may have