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Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the overall educational quality of this activity?

Question Title

* 2. Were the topic(s) applicable to your practice?

Question Title

* 3. Relative to where you were prior to participating in this activity, please rate how well this activity has affected your ability to:

  Made It Worse No Change Made it Better Did not Attend
Understand the value of partnerships with community based organizations to impact social determinants with ACOs -Ms. Cho/Ms. Peck
Develop an understanding of meaningful high value investments that can drive improved outcomes at scale -Dr. Fields
List at least one lesson learned from activating health system, faith and community partnerships
-Rev. Dr. Gunderson
Understand current barriers to Advance Care Planning -Dr. Gabbard
Understand what you should expect from a laboratory partner in a fee-for-value world  -Dr. Garcia/Mr. Anderson
Explain a process for vetting innovation opportunities. "How to maximize home runs and minimize strike outs" -Dr. James
Understand the role transformational care delivery supports in contributing to Value-Based Reimbursement and the Triple Aim: Improving quality, patient experience, & cost of care outcomes
-Dr. Read/Ms. Schultz
Give an example of how electronic health record data can be used to identify cohorts eligible for preventive health services or other care gaps -Dr. Dharod/Dr. Miller
Understand how the presidential election might affect the policy landscape for value  -Ms. McDermott
Explain how nudges have been implemented to improve health care    -Dr. Patel
Describe benefits of team structure and role delineation -Ms. Parrish
Understand the framework of a value-based transitions clinic -Dr. Orr/Dr. Sessoms
Make predictions about the future of consumerism
-Dr. Nash
Successfully build relationships with other healthcare professionals -Care Coordination Panel

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following competency areas do you feel have been improved as a result of this activity? (Mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Did this activity clarify or reinforce principles and concepts underlying your current handling of patients?

Question Title

* 6. Please provide a brief answer to the following statement:

As a result of what I learned from my participation in this activity, I intend to make the following practice/performance changes 
that I believe will result in more positive patient outcomes:

Question Title

* 7. Do you feel the content presented demonstrated a commercial bias towards one organization or tool? If your answer is yes, please explain.

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the following:
The presenter demonstrated substantial knowledge of the topic.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Did not Attend
The Regulatory and Privacy and Security Implications of Partnerships -Ms. Cho/Ms. Peck
Transforming Systems Towards Value -Dr. Fields
Building the social muscle for the social determinants -Rev. Gunderson
Advance Care Planning within an Accountable Care Organization -Dr. Gabbard
Lab Partner Relationships -Dr. Garcia/Mr. Anderson
The Innovation Lab at CHESS -Dr. James
Innovative Relationships & Care Models -Dr. Read/Ms. Schultz
Improving Preventive Care with Digital Health -Dr. Dharod/Dr. Miller
Election Year Changes in Value-Based Care -Ms. McDermott
Using Nudges to Improve the Delivery of Health Care -Dr. Patel
Relationship Building -Ms. Parrish
Reducing Readmissions and Improving Quality -Dr. Orr/Dr. Sessoms
Physician Leadership -Dr. Nash
Care Coordination Value -Ms. Adams/Ms. Conner/Ms. Eaton/Ms. Loyd/Ms. Grayson/Ms. Volk

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the following:
The presenter had strong presentation and delivery style.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Did not Attend
The Regulatory and Privacy and Security Implications of Partnerships -Ms. Cho/Ms. Peck
Transforming Systems Towards Value -Dr. Fields
Building the social muscle for the social determinants -Rev. Gunderson
Advance Care Planning within an Accountable Care Organization -Dr. Gabbard
Lab Partner Relationships -Dr. Garcia/Mr. Anderson
The Innovation Lab at CHESS -Dr. James
Innovative Relationships & Care Models -Dr. Read/Ms. Schultz
Improving Preventive Care with Digital Health -Dr. Dharod/Dr. Miller
Election Year Changes in Value-Based Care -Ms. McDermott
Using Nudges to Improve the Delivery of Health Care -Dr. Patel
Relationship Building -Ms. Parrish
Reducing Readmissions and Improving Quality -Dr. Orr/Dr. Sessoms
Physician Leadership -Dr. Nash
Care Coordination Value -Ms. Adams/Ms. Conner/Ms. Eaton/Ms. Loyd/Ms. Grayson/Ms. Volk

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the following:
The presenter created an effective peer learning environment.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Did not Attend
The Regulatory and Privacy and Security Implications of Partnerships -Ms. Cho/Ms. Peck
Transforming Systems Towards Value -Dr. Fields
Building the social muscle for the social determinants -Rev. Gunderson
Advance Care Planning within an Accountable Care Organization -Dr. Gabbard
Lab Partner Relationships -Dr. Garcia/Mr. Anderson
The Innovation Lab at CHESS -Dr. James
Innovative Relationships & Care Models -Dr. Read/Ms. Schultz
Improving Preventive Care with Digital Health -Dr. Dharod/Dr. Miller
Election Year Changes in Value-Based Care -Ms. McDermott
Using Nudges to Improve the Delivery of Health Care -Dr. Patel
Relationship Building -Ms. Parrish
Reducing Readmissions and Improving Quality -Dr. Orr/Dr. Sessoms
Physician Leadership -Dr. Nash
Care Coordination Value -Ms. Adams/Ms. Conner/Ms. Eaton/Ms. Loyd/Ms. Grayson/Ms. Volk

Question Title

* 11. Would you attend a similar conference next year?

Question Title

* 12. Please share any other comments or recommendations, including improvements for the current activity or topics for future educational events:

Question Title

* 13. Name & Email Address for CME Completion Certificate

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