NLC is challenging mayors to take action on indoor environmental hazards and their impact on the health of children and families in 2019 and 2020.

Pledge now, on behalf of your city, to take action in your community and commit to implementing at least one policy or program. Please join your peers and select at least one of these four actions:

Question Title

* 1. Which action(s) do you plan to take in your city?

Question Title

* 2. Please let us know your name so we can count you among those who rose to this challenge!

Question Title

* 3. Please add the name of a staff member who will support your leadership throughout this challenge.

Thank you for taking the pledge! NLC Staff will be available to help you carry out this challenge in your city.  For more information and to download a copy of the resource guide for each action, go to

If you have additional questions or would like more information, please contact Anthony Santiago, Senior Fellow for Program and Partnership Engagement at (202) 626-3022 or at