Connected Design's Brand Ambassador Program is designed to celebrate our industry's thought leaders and share their voices within the community. Each of you possess a vast amount of knowledge in your specific niche that offers incredible value to our readers and also aligns with our mission, which is why we want to hear from you!

The branding campaign is designed to be fun, lighthearted and most importantly IMPACTFUL, giving the stars of our industry an opportunity to share their voice through our social media channels.

Join in on the fun by filling out the form below!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Please provide a short bio of yourself.

Question Title

* 3. Give us a short quote. It can be about your thoughts on the industry, why you love what you do, a message you live by, an encouraging statement for the next generation – anything!

Question Title

* 4. Please upload a high-resolution headshot of yourself.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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