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* 1. Where do you currently live?

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* 2. How did you first learn about the French Legation?

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* 3. What ethnicity or race, if any, do you identify as?

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* 5. Before it closed in July of 2017 for renovation work, about how often had you visited the French Legation?

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* 6. What is important to you about the French Legation?  Please rank these options in order from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important).

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* 7. Given the opportunity, I would like to experience  ___ at the French Legation (check all that apply)

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* 8. When you invest your time and money to visit a historic site or museum, what type of experience is more important to you?

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* 9. Please let us know what the French Legation State Historic Site would need to be a place you'd feel at home:

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* 10. Do you have any other thoughts or comments about the future of the French Legation State Historic Site?