Coordinated Entry Training Survey

Survey for CE training participants to provide feedback and improve future trainings

Question Title

* 1. I am a

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* 2. Please indicate your impression of the items listed below:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I understand the reasoning behind the design of the HHC's Coordinated Entry System
The training met my expectations
I will be able to apply the knowledge i learned
I feel confident in making/accepting Coordinated Entry referrals
I understand how the Coordinated Entry system works
The content was organized and easy to follow

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* 3. How would you rate this training overall?

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* 4. Please indicate your impression of the following qualities of the training

  Very Poor Poor Neutral Good Excellent
Trainer's knowledge
Amount of class participation and interaction
Amount of time given for questions and discussion
Overall quality of instruction
Trainer's ability to answer questions

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* 5. What aspects of the training could be improved upon?

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* 6. Additional Comments