Your chance to have a say

The Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan helps our community develop a shared vision for our area, such as: choosing where new homes, shops, offices, and other developments should be built; identifying and protecting local green spaces; commenting on what new buildings should look like.
The current Plan was approved in 2016 based on priorities drawn up over the preceding four years, so Kentish Town Neighbourhood Forum is working on updating it and wants as much input from local people as possible.
Please fill out this survey to tell us what you think about Kentish Town now and how you'd like it to change in the future.

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* 1. What do you like about Kentish Town?

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* 2. What don't you like about Kentish Town?

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* 3. What specific changes would you like to see in Kentish Town?

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* 4. Which of the following options best describes your opinion on the development of new homes in Kentish Town?

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* 5. What do you think about shopping in Kentish Town?

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* 6. What are the priorities for attracting more businesses to Kentish Town?

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* 7. What is your opinion about local green spaces in Kentish Town?

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* 8. What do you think about facilities for children and young people in Kentish Town?

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* 9. Please provide your name: