Please share your thoughts on what we should include by answering the seven questions below.

Dr. Porges is hosting a unique shared learning experience where you will hear from therapists who have used the SSP extensively.

You will learn how to adapt the SSP to different situations and with different populations. It will be personal, communal, supportive and a great way to gain new insights on integrating the SSP into your practice. Please let us know anything else you'd like to learn at the 2019 SSP Gathering.

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* 1. The SSP Gathering will be a sharing of ideas and experiences gained over the past two years. There are so many topics to explore! Help us make the experience meaningful by indicating which of the topics below are the most interesting to you. (Select all that apply.)

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* 2. Please indicate which topics regarding the expanded target areas of SSP use interest you. (Select all that apply.)

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* 3. Please tell us which general topics about using the SSP interest you. (Select all that apply.)

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* 4. What topics have we missed that you would be interested in?

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* 5. Would you have an interest in participating by sharing a 2-minute case story?

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* 6. Are there other ways you would like to participate beyond attending the Gathering?

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* 7. Any other comments or questions?

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* 8. Please share your name and contact information so we can contact you when registration opens.