HSPers and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Please complete this short survey if you have HSP and the NDIS is now available where you live.

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* 1. Do you have or are suspected of having HSP, the NDIS is available where you live, but you have decided not to apply to participate in the scheme?

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* 2. Do you have or are suspected of having HSP and have at least submitted an application (Access Request Form) to join the NDIS?

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* 3. What is your current status with the NDIS?

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* 4. Overall, how would you assess your experience of the NDIS (click on one button)

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* 5. What led you to score your experience of the scheme as you did?

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* 6. What, if anything, has worked well for you regarding the NDIS? (leave blank if not applicable)

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* 7. What, if anything, has been really bad for you regarding the NDIS? (leave blank if not applicable)

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* 8. What sort of support would be, or would have been, helpful in navigating through the NDIS? (leave blank if not applicable)

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* 9. So that we can get an appreciation of the spread of responses from around the country, please tell us your postcode.