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* 1. Chiropractic is the detection and correction of ?

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* 2. Subluxation is a bone out of place with the one above below or both causing?

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* 3. Only ___% of nerve fibers have to do with pain.

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* 4. ___% of nerve fibers control body function like muscle strength, sensation and organ function ( like heart, lung and digestion)

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* 5. Every inch of head forwardness results in the feeling like it weighs an extra ____ pounds.

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* 6. Scoliosis is a ___ degree or more front view curve of the spine.

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* 7. Care designed to get you out of pain ASAP but symptoms may return with lack of structural correction. Visits are usually daily until symtoms are resolved. 

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* 8. Care is designed to improve and stabilize structural alignment of the spine with the goal to maximize health preventing degeneration as well as future pain and health crisis. Visits range from twice daily to three times per week. 

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* 9. Care is designed to maintain spinal alignment and health. Care is in the absence of symptoms and for the correction of the cause of dis-ease. Visits range from weekly to monthly depending on your stress level. 

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* 10. _______ is a specific high velocity low amplitude force applied to the spine to re-align the spine, reduce subluxation and improve nerve flow with use of hand or instrument.

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