1. Welcome to the Pregnancy Sickness Support Insights Survey

Thank you for considering participation in our survey. Before you proceed, we ask you to read the following information and provide your consent for the use of your responses.

Purpose of the Survey
The purpose of this survey is to gather insights on the treatment and care of Hyperemesis Gravidarum sufferers in the UK. Your participation will contribute valuable information that may help in shaping which Hospital Trusts, Integrated Care Boards and individual Hospitals, Pregnancy Sickness Support target with specific HG training to help improve care and treatment options. Your participation may also enable us to use aggregated data to produce campaigns to engage with Government bodies and other stakeholders such as Royal Colleges.

What Will Be Done With Your Data
Confidentiality: Your responses will be kept confidential. We may use a third party to assist us in aggregating responses but all personal information you respond with in this survey will be anonymised.
Aggregation: Your data will be aggregated with responses from other participants. This aggregated data may be used for research purposes, shared with stakeholders, or published in reports and presentations.
Anonymity: This survey is anonymous. You are not required to provide any personally identifying information.

By proceeding with this survey, you indicate your understanding of the above information and your consent for your responses to be used as described. You acknowledge that your participation is voluntary and that you are at least 18 years of age and were residing in the UK and received at least some of your care and treatment from an NHS Hospital, Maternity Unit, Midwifery Unit or GP practice for the condition of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (whether you were formally diagnosed with this condition or not).

5% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. I agree to participate in the survey and consent to the use of my data as outlined above.