Asia-Pacific Financial Forum Baseline Survey of Credit Information Sharing Within Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Member Economies 2019
The Asia Pacific Finance Forum (APFF), through the Financial Infrastructure Development Initiative (FIDN) created by the 2015 Cebu Action Plan (CAP), has undertaken to create a roadmap for an optimal financial data ecosystem among the 21 member economies of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). As part of this effort, the Policy and Economic Research Council (PERC), a non-profit research and development organization specializing in financial inclusion and information policy, and the Asia Pacific Credit Coalition (APCC), are surveying key stakeholders within the consumer credit information sharing ecosystem among all APEC member economies. They will subsequently do the same for commercial credit information sharing stakeholders. The consumer credit information sharing survey will be fielded during the second and third quarters of 2019 and will be supplemented with field research from a select number of case study member economies. Results from the surveys and field research will help guide and inform the roadmap created by the APFF for APEC, and may be published jointly by PERC and the APCC at some future date. All participants and respondents will receive a final report regardless of whether it is ultimately published. No personal identifying information gathered for purposes of this research will be shared with any third parties for any purpose without prior uncoerced affirmative consent from the data subject. Thank you for your time and for your responses.