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* 1. Do you think that Healthcare Professionals(Doctors, Nurses, Physios etc) give you care based on commonly agreed, researched and peer reviewed standards and or benchmark?

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* 2. If yes where are those commonly agreed, peer reviewed standards?

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* 3. Did you know that there are no commonly agreed, reviewed, researched and published global or national standards for healthcare professionals in context to billing and minimum standard of care?

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* 4. If the Government and relevant Professional organisations know there are no standards, do you think they should address these issues?

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* 5. Do you feel safe and satisfied being cared for by a group of people, making decisions for your life and death, not having any consistency, accountability or transparency, being effected by Government interference and influence?

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* 6. Have you been adversely effected by healthcare professionals withholding care because they are afraid of getting audited or questioned by the Government?