Haldimand County Business Licensing Survey

Haldimand County staff have initiated a project to review, modernize and consolidate its existing business licensing by-laws. The goal of the review is to ensure current by-laws are meeting regulatory requirements, protecting consumers and not imposing unnecessary barriers for businesses (i.e. simplifying the application process).

Haldimand County currently licenses the following businesses:

- Hired vehicles
- Mobile food premises
- Motor vehicle racing
- Salvage yards & scrap metal collection bins
- Pawnbrokers

Additional business types may be considered as part of this review.

Kennels are licensed under the Animal Control By-Law and as such, are not being considered as part of this review.

Your opinion matters to us. We welcome input from affected business owners and members of the public. The survey will remain open until April 30, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Do you own a business in Haldimand County?