Indoor Golf Sims
Customer Survey

1.Have you golfed at Indoor Golf Sims before?
2.Which days of the week are you most likely to golf at Indoor Golf Sims? (Check all that apply)
3.What time of day would you prefer/be most likely to golf? (Check all that apply)
4.Would you be interested in receiving lessons at Indoor Golf Sims?
5.Would you be interested in weekly/monthly leagues at Indoor Golf Sims? (Check all that apply)
6.Would you be interested in the future if Indoor Golf Sims introduced a yearly or seasonal membership plan?
7.Would you be interested in participating in promotional events such as closest to the pin, team scrambles, team alternate shot, etc.?
8.How often are you to golf at Indoor Golf Sims in the summer?
9.If you plan to golf at Indoor Golf Sims in the summer, when are you likely to play? (Check all that apply)
10.Any other comments or suggestions for this winter or in the future please list: