HCWH Europe: The Born Green Generation Pledge


Thank you for showing your commitment to joining our Born Green Generation movement and building a community of positive change. We already have hospitals and healthcare professionals taking part in the Pledge. We look forward to having you on board!

Together, we can transform healthcare by reducing babies' exposure to plastics and eliminating toxic chemicals once and for all. By filling out the form below, you are agreeing to take action in the Pledge. Follow the instructions in the form, and remember, you can add more actions to your pledge any time.

We are so grateful for your commitment, our combined actions will make a difference.

If you have any questions about the Born Green Generation project, the Pledge or the actions you will take please email borngreen@hcwh.org.

Question Title

To continue, please read our privacy policy.

All information you submit will remain confidential and will only be used to inform the data and results of the pledge. We (HCWH Europe) will use your data to produce reports and provide aggregated statistics and assess the effectiveness of the pledge. We will never use your personal details in report writing or statistics, but we may use your generic information to report on demographics, for example. Contact privacy@hcwh.org for more information.

17% of survey complete.