Hamilton County Conservation Community Survey

A word from Director, Brian Lammers: "Hamilton County Conservation is engaging in an updated future strategic plan. We are excited for you to be a part in helping determine and shape our future. Your participation is the only way we will know and understand what the public wants from their county parks, wildlife management areas, environmental education, and all the outdoor recreation opportunities that await you here in Hamilton County. We currently manage 16 areas encompassing over 2,000 acres. In April, 1919, Briggs Woods was given to the county as a park for the people. It was the first county park in Iowa and preceded the state park system by one year. The Briggs Family had the foresight to see the need for parks and recreation, and we want to continue that legacy with your input. Hamilton County is blessed with many natural resources. These continue to need protection and management for our enjoyment today and our future generations."

Please take five minutes to complete this survey. 

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1. Are you familiar with Hamilton County Conservation?

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2. Are parks and green space essential to your quality-of-life experience in and around Hamilton County?

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3. When was the last time you visited a Hamilton County Park/Area?

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4. Below are activities/amenities available with Hamilton County Conservation Areas.  Check all that you have participated in.

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5. Have you golfed at Briggs Woods Golf Course?

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6. If you have golfed at Briggs Woods Golf Course, what did you like about it?  What would you like to see there additionally? 

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7. What do you like to do outside by yourself (check all that apply)?

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8. What do you like to do outside with family/friends (check all that apply)?

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9. What have you seen in other parks that you wish you could do closer to home?

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10. Have you, or members of your family, attended any environmental education programs put on by Hamilton County Conservation?

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12. Based on the previous question, what would you MOST like to see from HCCB?

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13. Are you a resident of Hamilton County?

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14. What is your age range?

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15. If you'd like to receive updates and information from Hamilton County Conservation, please leave us your preferred email address.