Question Title

* 1. Please choose the box that best describes your organization:

Question Title

* 2. What is your primary reason for reading the R2 Update newsletter?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the following categories according to how important they are to you.

  Not Important Moderately Important Very Important
Articles about best methods and practices for meeting R2 requirements.
News and updates pertaining to the R2 Program.
Articles about the technical aspects of electronics recycling/refurbishing.
Articles about SERI’s global initiatives to make safe and sustainable electronics recycling and repair more accessible worldwide.
Articles about general industry news and trends.

Question Title

* 4. How often do you read the monthly R2 Update Newsletter?

Question Title

* 5. Overall, how useful do you find the R2 newsletter?

Question Title

* 6. Any other thoughts or suggestions you would like to share?