I have a passion for the work and ministry of bivocational pastors. I am a doctoral student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary doing a research project on bivocational pastors. Your input is extremely valuable and would be appreciated. If you are a bivocational pastor (your primary calling is to be a pastor, but you also must work outside the church), please consider taking this survey.

This survey is very short, should not take you more than about 5 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous. Thanks in advance for your support!

By taking this survey, you affirm that you are a bivocational pastor in the Blue River Kansas City Association

Question Title

* 1. Your age range

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* 2. Number of Years in Pastoral Ministry 

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* 3. Highest Education Level (Choose the level that "best" describes you)

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* 4. What answer best describes you?

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* 5. Which ONE choice below best describes your preaching style? 

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* 6. Please rank for following 8 elements from 1-8. What you feel is the strongest element of your sermon will receive the number 1 ranking. What you feel is your weakest element will receive the number 8. Each element will be ranked and have a different number.

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* 7. Below is a list of 9 "common struggles" for preachers. Please rank each struggle from 1-9. What you feel is your most difficult struggle will receive the number 1 ranking and so on. The "common struggle" which is not as difficult as the others will receive the number 9 ranking. Each element will be ranked and have a different number. 

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* 8. Please feel free to add any additional comments that you think might be helpful