Please be sure to read the Thatcher Language & Culture House Explanation on the website before you complete this application.
If you have questions or need assistance, please email
Application deadline is Sunday, February 19, 2017.

Question Title

* 1. Your full name (last, first, middle)

Question Title

* 2. Campus Address

Question Title

* 3. Cell phone #

Question Title

* 4. UMass email address

Question Title

* 5. UMass Student ID #

Question Title

* 6. Academic Major

Question Title

* 7. Academic Minor

Question Title

* 8. Are you an international student?

Question Title

* 9. Are you an exchange student?

Question Title

* 10. Are you in the Commonwealth Honors College?

Question Title

* 11. What class year are you currently?

Question Title

* 12. What is your current GPA?

Question Title

* 13. Why are you applying to be a member of Thatcher Language & Culture House? Please include thoughts about your interest and/or experience with cultural diversity.

Question Title

* 14. The Thatcher Language & Culture House seeks students who will be engaged in our living & learning community. Have you ever been a member of a living learning community (ie; previously participated in Thatcher, a RAP, etc)? If so, please describe what was meaningful to you about that experience. If not, please explain what you expect a living & learning community might be like.

Question Title

* 15. The Thatcher Language & Culture House seeks students who wish to take an active role (as a leader OR participant) in social and academic programming outside the classroom. Please explain any experience you have leading or participating in co-curricular activities (student groups, organizations, etc) or civic engagement.

Question Title

* 16. How might YOU contribute to the social/academic programming and campus outreach as a member of Thatcher community?

Question Title

* 17. Which program are you applying to?

Question Title

* 18. Please rank your current level of speaking in the following languages:

  Intermediate High Intermediate Advanced Near-Native Native None

Question Title

* 19. Please rank your listening comprehension in the following languages:

  Intermediate High Intermediate Advanced Near-Native Native None

Question Title

* 20. Please indicate your experience history with a language other than English. Be sure to add details in the comment box.

  Yes No
Language Learner: exposure has been through formal study or travel experience.
Heritage Speaker: raised in a home where the language is spoken, may understand better than you speak.
Native Speaker: the target language is your first language, or the one you speak best.

Question Title

* 21. List all relevant language and culture related courses you have taken in the past 3 years. Include course name, number, the semester/year and the name of the school where you took the course.

Question Title

* 22. As mentioned on the program explanation, there is a minimum enrollment requirement for each program in order for the related course to be offered. Please respond to the following questions to help us make final decisions.

  Yes, I would enroll in the course No, I would not enroll in the course
If you applied to a Language program and there are enough students for the course to be offered, would you be interested in ALSO enrolling in the Global Culture Program 2-credit course?
If you applied to a Language program and there are not enough students for the language course to be offered, would you be willing to enroll in the Global Culture Program 2-credit course?