Question Title

* 1. Please enter your details

All survey responses are confidential and no-one will be individually identified; we need to confirm there is only one reponse per person and to be able to follow-up with you if necessary.

VAHPA Members have waited months for the finalisation of their new Public Sector Agreement. These delays are unnecessary and unacceptable.  

It is time we took action to resolve this issue. The following questions seek to determine what sort of action you are willing to take.
We do not take industrial action lightly, especially in health, however it is our view that Allied Health Professionals are again being taken for granted by the Victorian government. This agreement must be put to the ballot, and all AHPs must receive the payment owing to them, immediately. 

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate which of the following actions you are willing to resume.  

Please note: All actions require VAHPA to give 3 clear days or 72 hours notice of the action; we have indicated we will provide a longer notice period for the action involving stoppages.

Question Title

* 3. Are you a VAHPA Member?

Thanks for participating in this survey.  The VAHPA team will be back in touch about the next steps in the process. 

Industrial action is likely to progress quickly so make sure you're on board to participate!