The Melissa Institute CEU Request

Conspiracy theory beliefs can serve as motivations for a range of problematic non-normative political actions, including behaviors that violate social norms, such as violence against others, illegal protests, road blockades, and property damage. Furthermore, these beliefs often fuel violent actions targeted at specific groups, such as Jewish people and Muslim immigrants. Alarmingly, many recent terrorist attackers have referenced conspiracy theories in their manifestos. It is, therefore, paramount that we seek to understand how and when conspiracy beliefs could be associated with violent extremism.
In this session, I will delve into research from my team and others exploring the links between conspiracy beliefs and violence. We will discuss factors that may drive conspiracy-evoked extremism, such as feelings of loneliness, alongside considering when the links between conspiracy beliefs and extremism may be strengthened (e.g., when upholding specific ideologies or individual characteristics). Although the contributing factors are diverse and interventions tricky to develop, we will also discuss ways that we can approach addressing conspiracy-inspired violence.
Learning Objectives: 
Participants will be able to: 
1) Articulate why people may be drawn into conspiracy-inspired violence.
2) Analyze the psychological conditions that may strengthen the link between conspiracy beliefs and violence.
3) Identify different routes that could address conspiracy-inspired violence.

Friday, January 19, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eastern
2 Continuing Education Credits offered for Psychologists and School Psychologists, as well as CMSW, LCSW, LMHC & LMFT in the State of Florida.
*The Melissa Institute is an APA and NASP approved CE Credit Provider. Florida License Only for LCSW, LMHC & LMFT. Certificate of completion available upon request to be self-reported to other boards. The Melissa Institute cannot guarantee credits for other boards.
Your registration is not complete until you have completed the following steps:
1) Register for the training using this zoom link:
2) Complete this CE request form.
3) Pay $35 fee for CE Credits using this link:

You will be required to fill out a post-evaluation form in order to receive your CE credits, in addition to completing all the steps above.

Please email for more information. 

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