Breast Ultrasound with Tom Stavros Digital CME
Presented by World Class CME


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* 1. Uses of Color and Power Doppler use in Breast 22 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 2. Ultrasound of the Pregnant and/or Lactating Patients 28 mins

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* 3. Ultrasound of the Male Breast 22 mins

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* 4. Ultrasound of the Latrogenically Altered Breast - Man-Made Changes 39 mins

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* 5. Ultrasound of Special Type Tumors 15 mins

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* 6. 3D Ultrasound - Not Just Bells and Whistles 24 mins

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* 7. Ultrasound of DCIS Histopathology Basics for US Findings 38 mins

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* 8. Ultrasound of DCIS Second Look after MRI 18 mins

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* 9. The Z-11 Study - What Does It Mean for Radiologists 27 mins

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* 10. Ultrasound of Breast Implants 52 mins

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* 11. Technology on the Horizon - Opto-accoustic Imaging 44 mins

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* 12. US-Guided Interventional Procedures - Different Strokes for Different Folks 51 mins

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* 13. Ultrasound of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma 19 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 14. The Role of Ultrasound in Assessment of Nipple Discharge 48 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 15. Sonographic Assessment of Solid Breast Masses - Biopsy or Not? 53 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 16. Setting Up A Successful Supplemental Breast US Program - Nuts and Bolts 50 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 17. Breast Cysts That Are Not Simple 53 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 18. Breast Ultrasound - Equipment, Knobology, and Techniques 47 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 19. Sonographic Breast Anatomy 70 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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* 20. Correlating Ultrasound with Mammography and Clinical Findings 28 mins

  Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
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Relevance to Lecture Objectives

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* 21. CME content was presented without commercial bias

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* 22. Will you be able to be more effective/efficient in your professional responsibilities as a result of this CME?

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* 23. Will you make any changes in the way you deliver patient care as a result of this CME?

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* 24. Please list changes, if any...

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* 25. Please list the strengths of this CME...

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* 26. What are your recommendations for improving this CME...

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* 27. Describe your experience of the CME objectives (1 = objective not met, 10 = objective completely met)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Understand the differences in pre-test probabilities and guidelines for interpretation between diagnostic, supplemental screening, and MRI-directed indications for breast ultrasound
Select the most appropriate ultrasound equipment, machine settings, and scan techniques for better diagnostic evaluations
Identify and characterize areas of clinical, mammographic, screening ultrasound, or MRI concern using ultrasound, and to understand the anatomic and histopathologic basis for ultrasound appearances
Identify sonographic findings that are suspicious for malignancy
Classify most breast cysts that are not simple as benign
Understand the role of ultrasound in diagnosis and guiding biopsy in patients presenting with nipple discharge
Recognize the range of normal appearances for breast implants and the range of abnormal appearances of implants
Enhance ultrasound-guided breast biopsy and interventional skills
Utilize the new ductal versus lobular classification system of breast malignancies for better diagnosis, staging, and use as biomarkers
Understand the appropriate role for supplemental bilateral whole breast ultrasound as well as other ancillary imaging modalities in women with negative but dense mammograms
Understand the appropriate role for supplemental bilateral whole breast ultrasound as well as other ancillary imaging modalities in women with negative but dense mammograms
Improve detection and correct classification of small invasive breast cancers while minimizing false positive ultrasound examinations
Learn how to overcome the headwinds in establishing a supplemental whole breast ultrasound program in women with dense breast
Become familiar with a new functional imaging platform called Opto-acoustic Imaging.
Understand the benefits of integrating this new technology into breast ultrasound, so that radiologist can significantly increase specificity when analyzing a mass, and potentially obviate the need for many breast biopsies.

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* 28. Any further comments...