Pocola Parks & Recreation Development

We need your help!  We are excited to share that the Town of Pocola is in the planning stages of current park upgrades and new park development.  The Town of Pocola will also be applying for grants to help make these plans a successful reality!
As part of the grant process, we would like to include community feedback as this could make a significant difference in which applications are awarded funding and we also want to ensure we are providing our community with recreational activities and amenities they would most like to see! If you would like to see these activity and recreation plans come to life please take a few moments to complete this survey!  This could be a great step forward for our community and it is our hope that with your help we can make these plans a reality!  Thank you for your time and responses! 
Write a description of your survey here. Select any question below to change it. Then add questions as needed.

Question Title

* 1. Using the scale of Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied, how do you feel about our current JL Swink Municipal Park?

Question Title

* 2. If you could add any amenity to the JL Swink Municipal Park, what would it be?

Question Title

* 3. How do you feel the JL Swink Municipal Park could be improved?

Question Title

* 4. Would you and/or your family utilize a softball/baseball /sports complex?

Question Title

* 5. What amenities would you and/or your family like to see at a softball/baseball/sports complex?