Gluten Free Fortnight

Question Title

* 1. Are you a regular customer?

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* 2. How did you hear about us?

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* 3. What country do you live in?

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* 4. If you participate in any outdoor activities please leave your answer below.

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* 5. Do you follow any special diet?

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* 6. Is nutritional and calorie menu information of the food of any interest/concern to you?

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* 7. Does an eatery's environmental impact and sustainability policies have any bearing on where you would choose to eat? If so, would you pay a bit more for better credentials in this area?

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* 8. Does an Eatery’s use of locally sourced Scottish food and the provenance of the food have any bearing on where you choose to eat?
If so, would you pay a bit more for better credentials in this area?

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* 9. Is there anything else you want to give us feedback on?

Thank you for your time and helping us provide you with better service.