Help us on fixing the network!

We believe there must be something wrong with the connection to some of our users, please share your info with us if you have encountered any errors that hinder you from downloading the mods, so we can collect the result and fix the issue with! Thank you! :P

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* 1. ⏬Please leave your in-game ID, or UID here⏬

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* 2. Which country, or region are you from?🗺️ (Please specify as much as you can)

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* 3. What is the issue you are having?

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* 4. Can you open up the website on PC or phone, under the same network your device is using?

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* 5. Is it possible to download mods by connecting to the wifi hotspot shared by your mobile phone?

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* 6. Are there any mods that have been successfully installed?

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* 7. How do we contact you?🔍