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* 1. How many years have you served in a senior financial executive role?

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your current job title/function? (Select one only.)

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your company or organization’s industry or service sector?

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* 4. What was your company or organization’s approximate 2018 total revenue?

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* 5. Over the last 1-2 years and in addition to your day-to-day duties and responsibilities, what one or two particular issues, challenges, or opportunities have you devoted the most time to addressing?

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* 6. What made this/these issues/challenges or opportunities priorities for you?

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* 7. To what extent do you believe the following areas will be (or will not be) priorities for your company or organization over the next 12-24 months?

  Not at all Important Not Very Important Somewhat Important Important “Mission Critical”
Other Risk Management Issues
Budgeting and Forecasting
Talent Retention
New Tools/Technology Systems
Agile Continuous Planning
Growth Strategy/ M&A
Regulatory Compliance
Readiness for ASC 606

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* 8. To what extent has the scope of your duties and responsibilities expanded in recent years?

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* 9. Please briefly describe what new duties/ responsibilities you have taken on in recent years.

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* 10. Nearly two years after the 2017 tax reform, have you found it to be:

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* 11. Do you consider data privacy and security a strategic risk to your organization?

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* 12. Have you created a robust and sustainable cybersecurity program?

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* 13. Does your cybersecurity program include the following elements: (select all that apply)

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* 14. What is the biggest challenge you face regarding recruiting and retaining talent? (please select one only)

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* 15. What is your company or organization’s current strategy for employee retention in today’s competitive labor market?

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* 16. What investments are you most likely to make in your employees in the next 12 months?

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* 17. What types of expenses, if any, are currently trending higher than US rate of growth? Select all that apply:

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* 18. Over the next 12-24 months, do you expect your company or organization’s spending on business-related travel will:

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* 19. To what extent, if any, are confusion and uncertainty regarding various US governmental/ regulatory issues slowing, delaying, or stopping major initiatives or investments your company or organization planned to make over the next 12-24 months?

  None Slight Impact Moderate Impact Significant Impact
Tariffs and Other Trade Issues
Overall Economic Outlook
Impeachment Proceedings
Regulatory Reform

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* 20. How have the U.S. trade tariffs affected your company’s financial situation?

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* 21. How has your company responded to the new tariffs? Select all that apply

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* 22. Which of the following best characterizes your company or organization’s involvement with the following advanced data/information/decision tools:

  Currently we have no plans use it We are considering using it We are just starting to use it We make moderate use of it We make heavy use of it
Predictive Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Data Visualization
Cloud-Based Solutions

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* 23. What role is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) playing in your firm and how do you anticipate this to change?

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* 24. Over the last two years to what extent has the financial side of your company or organization relied on the following types of outside service providers

  Our use of outside service providers has declined significantly Our use of outside service providers Our use of outside service providers has remained about the same Our use of outside service providers has expanded somewhat Our use of outside service providers has expanded significantly
Financial Analysis
Risk Analysis

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* 25. Overall, how optimistic or pessimistic are you about the business climate over the next 12-24 months?

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* 26. How likely is the US to experience a significant economic downturn in the next 12-24 months?

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* 27. How does your current level of confidence in the economy and regulatory environment impact your budgetary decision-making for 2020?

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* 28. With unemployment levels at record lows, do you expect to increase wages in 2020?

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* 29. What are your capital investment plans for 2020?

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* 30. Is your company deferring investments and capital expenditures until the 2020 Presidential election is decided?

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* 31. What factors are influencing your capital investment plans? (check all that apply)

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* 32. How do you plan to handle your debt level in 2020?

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* 33. If debt is an important part of your financial structure, where are you currently accessing funds?

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