As you have either seen or heard about, the Squamish Nation has made changes to washrooms in its buildings. Thank you for filling out this anonymous survey to express your needs, interests, concerns, and questions about the recent changes to washrooms in buildings of the Squamish Nation. We value your input, perspectives, and ideas. This survey is conducted by TransFocus Consulting and overall results, themes, and patterns are shared with the Squamish Nation with the intention of sharing more details or make other adjustments to the project. Because this survey is anonymous, we will not be able to respond to your submission directly, but you can find general updates on this webpage.

The survey does not collect your name, date of birth, or any other identifying information about you, so it is anonymous. By completing this survey, we assume you are giving us consent to use your responses together with other responses to help us improve washrooms in the Nation. Any answers to the open-ended question that are shared with the Nation will remove all identifying information (e.g., names, locations, and descriptions).
You do not have to answer any question if you do not want to. You may also choose to stop the survey at any time. If you experience distress by the topics discussed during this survey, this list of support services are available inside and outside of the Nation to get the necessary care among several options.

We ask a few demographic questions to determine if there are any patterns of feedback and to address unique needs and interests. We recognize that the response options may not fully capture the complexities and nuances of identities. Also, responses to the demographic questions are voluntary by skipping the question or responding “prefer not to answer.”

If instead of the survey you wish to speak to and get a direct response from a staff at the Squamish Nation, please email

Question Title

* 1. What type of feedback are you providing about changes to washrooms in Squamish Nation buildings?

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* 2. Please feel free to share your anonymous feedback about the changes to washrooms in Squamish Nation buildings.

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* 3. Where do you work or live?

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* 4. What role(s) do you have in the Nation? [check all that apply]

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* 5. Please check all the lived experiences that apply to you.