Introducing the Elevate Black Mountain Comprehensive Plan!

Following one year of in-person and online community engagement, the Elevate Black Mountain Comprehensive Plan is ready for public unveiling! Hundreds of communitymembers have shaped the plan. Now it's time for the community to review the plan. Check out the full plan here.

Elevate Black Mountain is the highest level policy document for the Town of Black Mountain, NC. Watch this short video to learn more about the comprehensive plan.

While a full draft of the comprehensive plan is complete, the process is not over yet. We need your help in refining the document to ensure it aligns with the community's vision for the future and where the Town should focus its efforts over the coming decade.

This survey builds on two previous rounds of public engagement - the Workshop for Our Future (Jan-March 2020) and Action for Our Future (Aug-Nov 2020) - to establish the vision, goals, policies, and actions. The survey should take just 10-30 minutes to complete. Please respond to this survey before April 16.

Please review the Future Land Use Map before responding to this question. Click here to view a draft of the plan.

1.Do you support the Future Land Use Map?

Please review the vision, goals, and policies for the Walkable and Livable chapter before responding to this question. Click here to download a draft of the plan.

2.Do you support the vision, goals, and policies for the Walkable and Livable chapter?

Please review the vision, goals, and policies for the Green and Resilient chapter before responding to this question. Click here to download a draft of the plan.

3.Do you support the vision, goals, and policies for the Green and Resilient chapter?

Please review the vision, goals, and policies for the Vibrant Economy chapter before responding to this question. Click here to download a draft of the plan.

4.Do you support the vision, goals, and policies for the Vibrant Economy chapter?
("Civic Engagement" means continuing to prioritize a Town of Black Mountain that functions to meaningfully empower local residents with a voice to provide great facilities and services and help shape the future of their community.)

Please review the vision, goals, and policies for the Civic Engagement chapter before responding to this question. Click here to download a draft of the plan.

5.Do you support the vision, goals, and policies for the Civic Engagement chapter?

Please review the vision, goals, and policies for the Connected and Accessible chapter before responding to this question. Click here to download a draft of the plan.

6.Do you support the vision, goals, and policies for the Connected and Accessible chapter?

The implementation matrix includes action items to complete over the coming years. This is a dynamic chapter that changes over time as new actions are initiated, completed, monitored, and the community creates new priorities. Please review the chapter before responding to this question. Click here to download a draft of the plan.

7.Please review the implementation matrix and list in order the top 3-5 implementation actions that are most important to you. If you have additional comments, please provide those here.
8.Did you participate in one or more of the previous rounds of public engagement (in-person workshops or online surveys) for this planning process?
9.Are there any other comments you would like to provide on Elevate Black Mountain?
You have completed the survey!

Thank you so much for taking the time to engage in this important process!

The comments we receive in this survey will help us refine the plan over the coming weeks before the document goes before the Planning Board and Town Council for adoption.

Visit the project website to learn more about Elevate Black Mountain.
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered