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Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) is the national voice of agriculture education. Our organization exists to help students across the country understand and appreciate how diverse agriculture truly is.

As part of a cross-country effort, we work with our 10 provincial members to empower students and educators with accurate, balanced, and current curriculum-linked resources, initiatives, and programs (RIPs) focused on agriculture and the food industry.

The objective of this survey is to gain insight into the development and promotion of our RIPs. Hearing from educators across Canada (like you!) is incredibly important in determining the value and sustainability of our current offerings, and will help to inform and shape our future direction.

We greatly appreciate your feedback and input on the following questions, and encourage you to answer in full transparency and honesty.

*As a thank you for participating, we will provide the first 100 respondents with a $5 Starbucks gift card AND all respondents a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!*

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes.  
0 of 36 answered