Broomhall Park Tennis

Broomhall Park Tennis Questionnaire

This questionnaire live until 24th February 2025 is designed to gather feedback from Season Ticket holders and pay and play customers of Broomhall Park Tennis to enable us to review the offering and facilities we offer.
1.Do you currently hold a Season Ticket for Broomhall Park Tennis?
2.If you answered yes to Q1 how long have you been a Season Ticket holder for?
3.How would you rate the current offer of tennis activities available?
4.Why did you join Broomhall Park Tennis?
5.Do you think Broomhall Park Tennis is welcoming and accessible for beginners/inexperienced players?
6.Please can you tell us how often you play tennis at Broomhall Park?
7.Would you prefer to pay for your Season Ticket on a rolling basis from the date you join rather than September - August?
8.Do you think costs at Broomhall Park Tennis are good value for money? (Tick more than one if relevant to you)
9.What are the most important aspects of your Season Ticket? (Tick more than one if relevant to you)
10.Would you like to see Peak and Off-Peak playing times (and a different charging structure?)
11.Are you able to book a court when you require one?
12.Have you experienced any issues with the booking system?
13.When thinking about the length of each booking would you like to book 30-minute slots?
14.Do you think a maximum of a 90-minute slot is adequate?
15.Do you like playing on the new Tiger Turf surface which was installed in November 2023?
16.Is there anything you would like to see to improved in regards to the playing surface or the Broomhall Park Tennis facilities?
17.Can you tell us what is working well at Broomhall Park Tennis?
18.If the floodlights were in use in the Winter until 9pm instead of 8pm would this encourage you to play later in the evenings?
19.Do you participate in any coaching sessions?
20.Are you aware of the coaching sessions on offer?
21.Which of these coaching sessions do you attend?
22.Do you have any comments about the current coaching sessions?
23.Are there any other coaching sessions you would like to see offered?
24.If you are a Season Ticket holder, how often do you attend the Tuesday social coach-led evenings?
25.If you are a Season Ticket holder how would you rate the current social coach-led evenings?
26.If you are a Season Ticket holder how would you rate the box leagues?
27.Which of the below would most improve your experience of social tennis?
28.Do you know how to raise an issue or problem in regards to your Season Ticket or court facilities?
29.If you have raised a concern was your issue listened to?
30.If the courts are booked out for any reason (maintenance / event) and you are unable to reserve a slot do you have enough notice period?
31.Have you any suggestions on how we can improve communication?
32.For ex Season Ticket Holders - Please can you tell us how long you had been a Season Ticket holder before you decided not to re-join?
33.The Broomhall Park Tennis rules and regulations can be viewed via our website
Do we need to add/clarify anything in the rules and regulations?
34.By not allowing Junior Season Ticket holders to bring a guest, does this cause any difficulties?
35.Do you think the current arrangement for guest fees works well? (Season Ticket holders pay £1.75 for their guests during the online booking process)
36.Do you think we need to limit the number of times people can play as a guest of Season Ticket holders?
37.Thank you for completing our questionnaire. Do you have any other comments you'd like to share with us?