Welcome! We are looking forward to exploring Engineering Teaching Kits and how they enhance STEM learning with you. Please provide some basic information below. Contact Larry Richards (lgr@virginia.edu) or Susan Donohue (susand@virginia.edu) if you have any questions or have problems with this form. See you on the 20th!

ETK Workshop sponsored by UVa School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Name for Badge

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* 3. Email

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* 4. Alternative contact information (e.g., phone or other email address)

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* 5. School

Question Title

* 6. Current subject(s) and grade(s) you are teaching

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* 7. Have you used any Engineering Teaching Kits before, either in your classroom or in professional development workshops? If yes, please list the ETK topic(s) and, if possible, when you had the experience(s).

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* 8. Lunch will be a half-sandwich / half-salad boxed lunch from Panera.  Please let us know your choice.  https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/home.html

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* 9. Please tell us if you have any access needs, limitations, or preferences.