See. Do. Be. Free.

The Incarnational Framework inventory is a tool to  help people understand the degree to which their beliefs and actions align with the concepts of SEE, DO, BE, and FREE. We have developed this so that those who take the inventory can learn more precisely about the areas where they flourish and where they struggle. We believe that this feedback can offer one helpful insights as one continues to work towards loving and serving their communities from a place of wide and open freedom.

The inventory asks you to respond to a number of statements and will take about 15 minutes to complete. For the first part, please answer by considering how you usually feel or think. For the second part, simply answer “yes” or “no” as you remember your actions of the past month.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the below statements about your beliefs and attitudes.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Because there is simply not enough in the world, some communities must go without.
In times of crisis, hoarding basic supplies is necessary.
Our community is always close to running out of what it needs.
I'm very thankful for what each person in my community has to offer.
Fairer rules or laws would still not completely fix the fact that some people don't have enough.
I appreciate all that each area of my city has to give.
My community lacks the resources it needs to provide for all people.
Each area of my city has good things to contribute to the community.
I'm thankful for the opportunities I see in all areas of my community.
In every type of neighborhood, there are many assets.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your level of agreement with these additional statements about your beliefs and attitudes.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
My best new ideas have come from taking many viewpoints into account.
It is hard for me to come up with creative, new solutions that work well for everyone.
It is hard for me to give over control and power to others.
Using people's lived experiences to create bold, new solutions is the best way to solve problems.
I often try out new solutions to problems, even if they haven't been proven to work yet.
In my work, taking bold, new action usually leads to important change.
It's hard for me to adjust what I am doing even when I can tell it isn't working as I hoped.
I cannot easily change what I'm doing to fit the reality of what's happening around me.
I am willing to try out bold new ideas even if they haven't been tested before.
Whenever I have let "real life" influence my plans, the result hasn't been very good.

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate your level of agreement with these additional statements about your beliefs and attitudes.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I like to work with people who have very different points of view.
I can find important common ground with all people, even those who are very different from me.
When I disagree with people, I also do not trust any information they share.
I welcome different ways of thinking about important topics
Having relationships with people who differ from me has been essential for making the best decisions.
I am curious to learn from others whose ideas are different from mine.
Identifying who is at fault is critical for solving the problem.
In most conflicts, there is usually someone who is largely at fault for the problem.
Problems in my community are usually caused by a person or small group of people.
I mistrust all information that comes from people I disagree with.

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate your level of agreement with these additional statements about your beliefs and attitudes.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I have concern that I may not get credit for the work I do.
I can fully engage in work that has deep meaning for my community.
I want people to recognize my successes.
I often worry about how my work will turn out in the future.
My fear over what others might think limits my potential.
When engaged in risky or new work, I usually feel fearful.
Nothing holds me back from serving my community wholeheartedly.
My deep sense of purpose frees me to serve my community.
I feel great joy in serving my community.
My ability to serve my community with love grows directly from my deep sense of purpose.

Question Title

* 5. Consider the following actions. Which of the following have you actually done in the past month?

In the past month, I ....

  No Yes
Accepted help from someone for a task I usually do by myself.
Said "yes" to a request so others would think well of me, even though I didn't really want to do it.
Made a decision that is controversial in order to support those who are not well supported in our society.
Encouraged another person to choose a course of action that aligns with their conscience, even though it was not what I personally want.
Actively invited people who have different beliefs or practices to join in something I do.
Joined a group conversation where I listened to many different points of view.
Spent time in a part of town that is very different from where I live or normally work.
Publicly gave thanks to another who has shaped me and with whom there is some animosity or tension.
Put myself in some physical danger when helping another person.
Mediated a disagreement between two or more people where we found a solution that worked for everyone.
Declined an invitation to do something I enjoy doing, because it was good for my soul not to do it.
Explained to another person or group how someone I strongly disagree with might have felt.
Concealed a bad habit from people I know.
Blamed someone who wasn't present to decrease tension.
Took bold action that was aligned with my conscience even though I knew it might make some people upset.
Read an article or listened to a podcast that challenged important beliefs I hold.
Lovingly laughed with friends at a personal imperfection of mine that has been the source of trouble in my life.
Told a small lie so that others would think positively of me.
Gave control to another person which allowed them to get the credit for something important.
Spoke out against a popular decision.
Actively invited people to join something I belong to who make it harder to get work done.
Initiated a deep conversation with a person whose point of view I don't understand.
Made a decision that affected other people without seeking their input.
Gave up seeking the approval of someone or some group whose opinion matters a lot to me.
Willingly let go of being right about something important to me, for the sake of another.
Stood up to someone who has more power than I do.
Spent time one-on-one with others who are judged harshly by society.
Didn't speak up about something I believed in because I worried that it might make others angry with me.
Took action on a project that I deeply believe in even though other people didn't agree with my decision.
Excluded someone from a conversation because I knew they would be weird or annoying.
Ignored feedback from other people because I knew they were wrong.
Hid something valuable or useful so that people I live with wouldn't use it before me.
Tried something new where other people saw how challenged I was.
Insisted that people follow my directions exactly as I specified.
Did something thoughtful for another person who will likely never be able to repay me in a similar way.
Agreed with a group even though I silently disagreed with what they were saying.
Sought information from a news source that I usually mistrust.
Made a decision that was not aligned with my conscience because it was easier just to go along.
Agreed to do something new and uncomfortable because others saw my potential.
Exchanged contact information with another person who is very different from me (either racially, economically, religiously, politically, etc.).
Made a very difficult decision that aligned with my conscience.

Question Title

* 6. Please enter you email so we can send you your results.