Joined a group conversation where I listened to many different points of view.
Joined a group conversation where I listened to many different points of view. No
Joined a group conversation where I listened to many different points of view. Yes
Actively invited people to join something I belong to who make it harder to get work done.
Actively invited people to join something I belong to who make it harder to get work done. No
Actively invited people to join something I belong to who make it harder to get work done. Yes
Made a decision that was not aligned with my conscience because it was easier just to go along.
Made a decision that was not aligned with my conscience because it was easier just to go along. No
Made a decision that was not aligned with my conscience because it was easier just to go along. Yes
Sought information from a news source that I usually mistrust.
Sought information from a news source that I usually mistrust. No
Sought information from a news source that I usually mistrust. Yes
Lovingly laughed with friends at a personal imperfection of mine that has been the source of trouble in my life.
Lovingly laughed with friends at a personal imperfection of mine that has been the source of trouble in my life. No
Lovingly laughed with friends at a personal imperfection of mine that has been the source of trouble in my life. Yes
Declined an invitation to do something I enjoy doing, because it was good for my soul not to do it.
Declined an invitation to do something I enjoy doing, because it was good for my soul not to do it. No
Declined an invitation to do something I enjoy doing, because it was good for my soul not to do it. Yes
Actively invited people who have different beliefs or practices to join in something I do.
Actively invited people who have different beliefs or practices to join in something I do. No
Actively invited people who have different beliefs or practices to join in something I do. Yes
Tried something new where other people saw how challenged I was.
Tried something new where other people saw how challenged I was. No
Tried something new where other people saw how challenged I was. Yes
Insisted that people follow my directions exactly as I specified.
Insisted that people follow my directions exactly as I specified. No
Insisted that people follow my directions exactly as I specified. Yes
Stood up to someone who has more power than I do.
Stood up to someone who has more power than I do. No
Stood up to someone who has more power than I do. Yes
Agreed with a group even though I silently disagreed with what they were saying.
Agreed with a group even though I silently disagreed with what they were saying. No
Agreed with a group even though I silently disagreed with what they were saying. Yes
Publicly gave thanks to another who has shaped me and with whom there is some animosity or tension.
Publicly gave thanks to another who has shaped me and with whom there is some animosity or tension. No
Publicly gave thanks to another who has shaped me and with whom there is some animosity or tension. Yes
Told a small lie so that others would think positively of me.
Told a small lie so that others would think positively of me. No
Told a small lie so that others would think positively of me. Yes
Exchanged contact information with another person who is very different from me (either racially, economically, religiously, politically, etc.).
Exchanged contact information with another person who is very different from me (either racially, economically, religiously, politically, etc.). No
Exchanged contact information with another person who is very different from me (either racially, economically, religiously, politically, etc.). Yes
Blamed someone who wasn't present to decrease tension.
Blamed someone who wasn't present to decrease tension. No
Blamed someone who wasn't present to decrease tension. Yes
Gave control to another person which allowed them to get the credit for something important.
Gave control to another person which allowed them to get the credit for something important. No
Gave control to another person which allowed them to get the credit for something important. Yes
Explained to another person or group how someone I strongly disagree with might have felt.
Explained to another person or group how someone I strongly disagree with might have felt. No
Explained to another person or group how someone I strongly disagree with might have felt. Yes
Initiated a deep conversation with a person whose point of view I don't understand.
Initiated a deep conversation with a person whose point of view I don't understand. No
Initiated a deep conversation with a person whose point of view I don't understand. Yes
Didn't speak up about something I believed in because I worried that it might make others angry with me.
Didn't speak up about something I believed in because I worried that it might make others angry with me. No
Didn't speak up about something I believed in because I worried that it might make others angry with me. Yes
Made a very difficult decision that aligned with my conscience.
Made a very difficult decision that aligned with my conscience. No
Made a very difficult decision that aligned with my conscience. Yes
Concealed a bad habit from people I know.
Concealed a bad habit from people I know. No
Concealed a bad habit from people I know. Yes
Encouraged another person to choose a course of action that aligns with their conscience, even though it was not what I personally want.
Encouraged another person to choose a course of action that aligns with their conscience, even though it was not what I personally want. No
Encouraged another person to choose a course of action that aligns with their conscience, even though it was not what I personally want. Yes
Mediated a disagreement between two or more people where we found a solution that worked for everyone.
Mediated a disagreement between two or more people where we found a solution that worked for everyone. No
Mediated a disagreement between two or more people where we found a solution that worked for everyone. Yes
Excluded someone from a conversation because I knew they would be weird or annoying.
Excluded someone from a conversation because I knew they would be weird or annoying. No
Excluded someone from a conversation because I knew they would be weird or annoying. Yes
Willingly let go of being right about something important to me, for the sake of another.
Willingly let go of being right about something important to me, for the sake of another. No
Willingly let go of being right about something important to me, for the sake of another. Yes
Put myself in some physical danger when helping another person.
Put myself in some physical danger when helping another person. No
Put myself in some physical danger when helping another person. Yes
Spent time in a part of town that is very different from where I live or normally work.
Spent time in a part of town that is very different from where I live or normally work. No
Spent time in a part of town that is very different from where I live or normally work. Yes
Accepted help from someone for a task I usually do by myself.
Accepted help from someone for a task I usually do by myself. No
Accepted help from someone for a task I usually do by myself. Yes
Gave up seeking the approval of someone or some group whose opinion matters a lot to me.
Gave up seeking the approval of someone or some group whose opinion matters a lot to me. No
Gave up seeking the approval of someone or some group whose opinion matters a lot to me. Yes
Spent time one-on-one with others who are judged harshly by society.
Spent time one-on-one with others who are judged harshly by society. No
Spent time one-on-one with others who are judged harshly by society. Yes
Spoke out against a popular decision.
Spoke out against a popular decision. No
Spoke out against a popular decision. Yes
Took action on a project that I deeply believe in even though other people didn't agree with my decision.
Took action on a project that I deeply believe in even though other people didn't agree with my decision. No
Took action on a project that I deeply believe in even though other people didn't agree with my decision. Yes
Read an article or listened to a podcast that challenged important beliefs I hold.
Read an article or listened to a podcast that challenged important beliefs I hold. No
Read an article or listened to a podcast that challenged important beliefs I hold. Yes
Made a decision that is controversial in order to support those who are not well supported in our society.
Made a decision that is controversial in order to support those who are not well supported in our society. No
Made a decision that is controversial in order to support those who are not well supported in our society. Yes
Said "yes" to a request so others would think well of me, even though I didn't really want to do it.
Said "yes" to a request so others would think well of me, even though I didn't really want to do it. No
Said "yes" to a request so others would think well of me, even though I didn't really want to do it. Yes
Ignored feedback from other people because I knew they were wrong.
Ignored feedback from other people because I knew they were wrong. No
Ignored feedback from other people because I knew they were wrong. Yes
Did something thoughtful for another person who will likely never be able to repay me in a similar way.
Did something thoughtful for another person who will likely never be able to repay me in a similar way. No
Did something thoughtful for another person who will likely never be able to repay me in a similar way. Yes
Took bold action that was aligned with my conscience even though I knew it might make some people upset.
Took bold action that was aligned with my conscience even though I knew it might make some people upset. No
Took bold action that was aligned with my conscience even though I knew it might make some people upset. Yes
Made a decision that affected other people without seeking their input.
Made a decision that affected other people without seeking their input. No
Made a decision that affected other people without seeking their input. Yes
Hid something valuable or useful so that people I live with wouldn't use it before me.
Hid something valuable or useful so that people I live with wouldn't use it before me. No
Hid something valuable or useful so that people I live with wouldn't use it before me. Yes
Agreed to do something new and uncomfortable because others saw my potential.
Agreed to do something new and uncomfortable because others saw my potential. No
Agreed to do something new and uncomfortable because others saw my potential. Yes