Question Title

* 1. Using the survey below, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements by writing the number that corresponds to your opinion in the space next to each statement.

  Strongly agree Strongly disagree
The kind of person someone is, is something very basic about them and it can't be changed very much.
People can do things differently, but the important parts of who they are can't really be changed.
Everyone, no matter who they are, can significantly change their basic characteristics.
As much as I hate to admit it, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Peopls can't really change their deepest attributes.
People can always substantially change the kind of person they are.
Everyone is a certain kind of person, and there is not much that can be done to really change that.
No matter what kind of person someone is, they can always change very much.

Question Title

* 2. Use the following scale to rate your feelings about the following scenarios:  How willing would you be to forgive this person?

  Not at all willing Completely willing
You tell a co-worker, Chris, about an idea you have that would improve efficency and save money. During a staff meeting, the boss announces the improvement and says that as the person who suggested it, Chris will get a $100 bonus for the idea.
You come home from work and catch your roommate looking at your private journal. Your roommate claims to have been looking for a dictionary and really hadn't read much of your journal.
A friend asks to borrow $100 until the next month. You agree and make the loan. You wait six weeks, then you ask your friend to repay the debt, but your friend keeps putting it off. Five months later, you still haven't collected the repayment.
Your significant other, whom you have dated for two years, tells you that he/she wants to break up and admits that he/she has been involved with other people the entire time you've been dating.
Your significant other invites you to party where you won't know anyone else. You agree to meet at the hotel where the party is being held. When you arrive, your significant other says hello to you, but then ignores you for the rest of the evening. Finally, you just leave.
Whenever you see each other, your uncle teases you about your weight (saying you're too heavy or too thin). You try to tell him that the teasing bothers you, but he doesn't seem to understand or care, becasue the comments continue.
You let your brother borrow your guitar. When you ask to get it back a month later, he says he sold it in a garage sale because he didn't think you wanted it anymore.
A friend stops calling you to do things together. You bring it to your friend's attention and your friend apologizes. Then several weeks go by without a phone call, and your phone messages go unanswered. When you finally contact your friend and ask what is going on, your friend gets angry and yells at you to quit being so controlling.
Someone who has been a close friend for a number of years goes to live in another city. When you are both in hometown for a holiday, you call this person on the phone. But your friend says she/he is too busy to see you and that you're part of his/her "old" life.
A co-worker asks you to run a work-related errand, but you are in the middle of another project that you consider more important, and you say so. After your day off, you come back to work and learn from your boss that your co-worker had complained that you were uncooperative and difficult.