
Thank you for your valued support, this year, to the Montroyal Parent Advisory Council (MPAC). With your support our team of parent volunteers have been able to provide your children many wonderful resources and programs to enrich and enhance their school experience.

The MPAC team now needs your feedback on how to focus our time and energy to best serve you and your children, moving forward. You can ensure your voice is heard by completing this short survey below by Wednesday May 9th.

Thank you!
The MPAC Team

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* 1. Key areas of funding at Montroyal are outlined below. While most of these areas align with the BC curriculum, we have also included areas that the PAC has focused funds in the past. Please rank each area in terms of how you would prioritize funds raised by the MPAC. 1 = highest priority and 8 = lowest priority. Examples of what additional funds in these areas may look like is included in brackets.

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* 2. Do you have specific suggestions on how the MPAC could allocate time and funds in the 2018/2019 school year?

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* 3. Please indicate your preferences for how you believe funds should be raised by the MPAC. Please tick all options where you would prefer to donate your time and/or money.

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* 4. Do you have any fundraising ideas you would like to see implemented that are not mentioned here?

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* 5. Do you agree, in principal, that a small percentage of MPAC 2018/2019 budget should be allocated to the future rebuild of Handsworth Secondary School? Feeder schools are currently in discussions on how to collectively raise funds for resources that will not be provided by the Ministry for Education such as sports equipment, technology, furniture, playing fields, etc. Please note your input will decide if the MPAC will be included in this agreement. Following this survey we will keep you updated through the regular MPAC communication channels, but for more information please refer to the Handsworth rebuild page at

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* 6. Please provide additional comments regarding fundraising for the Handsworth rebuild if desired.

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* 7. Please indicate what grade(s) your child or children are in. If you have more than one child in the same grade (e.g., twins) please let us know in the final comments section.

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* 8. Please provide additional comments if desired.

Thank you for completing the survey, your input is greatly appreciated. A summary of the survey results will be released through MPAC communications and the detailed budget will be reviewed at the AGM on Thursday, May 24th.

For additional information please go to