Exit Dog Chews Write a description of your survey here. Select any question below to change it. Then add questions as needed. Question Title * 1. What type of dog do you have? Question Title * 2. Do you give your dog(s) chews? Yes No Question Title * 3. How many chews a month about? 1-3 4-6 Too many to count None Question Title * 4. What type of chews do you give? Beef Bully Sticks Beef Gullets Buffalo Bully Sticks Duck Feet Beef Cheeks Cow Ears Pig Ears Beef Trachea Beef Collagen Antlers Ham Bone Rib Bones Cod Skin Salmon Skin Rolls Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Would you subscribe in a monthly chew box for your pet? Yes, that would be amazing! No, I prefer picking my dogs chews Maybe, its a good idea but, I wouldn't want a costly subscription Done