​FAFP members are encouraged to engage through participation on FAFP and FAFP Foundation Committees as well as represent the Academy at meetings that require FAFP participation (e.g., AAFP and FMA meetings). Click on the button below and complete the survey to indicate your interest in participating and getting more involved with YOUR Academy.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Email address: 

Question Title

* 3. Having read through the description of the FAFP and FAFP Foundation Committees from fafp.org, please rank the committees (1 highest, 5 lowest) that you are interested in serving on:

Question Title

* 4. If you are interested in participating at any of the following AAFP and FMA meetings in the future as an FAFP delegate, please check the corresponding choices below so staff can reach out to you accordingly: