Scholarship Application - Intensive HIV Fundamental Course

Clinicians from resource limited settings can apply for a scholarship to attend the Intensive HIV and Co-infections Conference in Hong Kong. 31 May - 3 June 2017.

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* 1. Your demographic and contact details

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* 2. Please describe your current role in HIV HIV Management. Priority will be given to clinicians early in their career who are looking to develop their skills in this areas. (limit 2000 characters)

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* 3. Please describe your current role in hepatitis b management. (limit 2000 characters)

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* 4. Please describe your current role in hepatitis c management. (limit 2000 characters)

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* 5. Please describe your current role in the management of sexually transmissible infections. (limit 2000 characters)

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* 6. Please tell us a little about your current clinical setting and patient load, tick as many as are true for you

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* 7. I am seeking the following learning from attending this course. (limit 5000 characters)

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* 8. I am prepared to participate fully in the course by agreeing to do the following, tick as many as are true for you)

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* 9. Please describe the type and level of support you will require to attend this course. For people already registered for teh APACC . If you are not yet registered for APACC go to question 10.

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* 10. Please describe the type and level of support you will require to attend this course. Complete this question if you are not already registered for the Asia Pacific AIDS and Co-infections Conference, tick as many that are true for you.

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* 11. Please indicate any other sources of funds you might be able to access to assist with your attendance at this course. Sharing costs will be looked on favorably. (limit 1000 characters)

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* 12. Are you preapred to be considered for a partial scholarship?

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100% of survey complete.