Center for Civil Society 2024 Fundraising Survey
Which area of fundraising do you spend most of your time on?
Major Gifts
Direct Mail / Digital Fundraising / Annual Giving
Planned Giving
Corporate & Foundation Fundraising
Campaign Management
Other (please specify)
Which type of nonprofit do you currently work for?
Human Services
Arts & Culture
Higher Education
K-12 Education
Public Policy and Advocacy
Generally speaking, are your more or less satisfied with your work as a professional fundraiser compared to five years ago?
More satisfied
Less satisfied
About the same
I did not work as a professional fundraiser five years ago
How likely would you be to recommend fundraising as a profession to a person starting a career or seeking a career change?
Very likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very unlikely
This question is for fundraisers who work in Major Gifts, Planned Giving, or another area of fundraising that requires frequent (at least once per week) direct engagement (phone call/video call/in person visit) with donors/prospects. Over the past two years, do you find it is easier or more difficult to get calls/meetings with donors?
More difficult
About the same
I do not directly work with individual donors on a frequent basis
This question is for fundraisers who work in Major Gifts, Planned Giving, or another area of fundraising that requires frequent (at least once per week) direct engagement (phone call/video call/in person visit) with donors/prospects. Over the past two years, do you feel that donors are more interested in meeting virtually compared to in person?
No, donors generally still want to meet in person
Yes, donors are generally embracing video calls
Too difficult to say, as donors are different from one another
I do not directly work with individual donors on a frequent basis
Generally speaking, compared to two years ago, do you feel that professional fundraisers are more or less likely to seek new positions outside their current organization?
People are more interested in new organizations now
People are more committed to their organizations compared to two years ago
People have the same commitment to their organizations compared to two years ago
Would you personally consider a new fundraising job in 2024? This question is anonymous and only for our survey study.
I am extremely satisfied with my current job and title, and have no intention of leaving
I would only leave my current position for a much better opportunity
I would likely leave my current position for a job similar in title and compensation if given the chance
Prefer not to answer
In your opinion, to what degree has monetary inflation influenced fundraising the past two years?
It has made fundraising much more difficult
It has made fundraising somewhat more difficult
No discernible difference
It has made fundraising less challenging
Generally speaking, are your donors more or less likely to renew their gifts compared to two years ago?
More likely
Less likely
No difference
Not sure
How do you feel Artificial Intelligence might influence fundraising jobs over the next five years?
It will lead to more jobs
It will lead to less jobs
No difference in the fundraising job market
Do you feel fundraising is more or less challenging in a Presidential election year?
More challenging
Less challenging
No difference
As a professional fundraiser, how important is the option to work remotely?
I embrace remote work and would likely only consider opportunities that allow me to work remotely
I prefer remote work, but would be willing to work jobs that involve occasional work in an office
I am indifferent
I prefer to work in an office and see colleagues on a frequent basis, but would consider remote work
I embrace working in a physical office and would likely only consider opportunities that allow me to work in an office
Which sources do you use for news and opinions on philanthropy? (click all that apply)
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Inside Philanthropy
Philanthropy Daily
Philanthropy News Digest
Other (please specify)
When it comes to professional development, do you prefer in person or virtual opportunities?
In person
When it comes to professional development, how much is your employer generally willing to invest in you per year?
I am not sure
How important is it that your employer invest in your professional development through online or in person training and conferences?
Extremely important
Very important
Somewhat important
Not so important
Not at all important
Do you feel that you are evaluated in a fair manner at your current employer? This question is anonymous and only for our survey study.
Yes, I am evaluated in a fair manner
No, my evaluation process is not entirely fair
Not sure
Prefer not to answer
If you had the opportunity to attend a new conference for fundraisers, which cities would most appeal to you? (click all that apply)
Washington, DC
Dallas/Fort Worth
Charleston, SC
Charlotte, NC
What is your current job title?
What is an email that we can use to send you our survey study?