Employers are recognizing that employees are the critical difference between good businesses and great businesses. They are also realizing that employees have lives outside of the workplace are now wanting and expecting a workplace that allows a work/life balance.  It's an expectation that businesses that want to attract and keep talent understand and take steps to accommodate these needs.

By creating a Family Positive Workplace environment, businesses increase employee loyalty and morale and contribute to families raising children who will become better students, employees, and citizens. Companies that provide such practices strengthen their community image, boost recruitment, retain their workforce, improve productivity, and help to raise the bar for other businesses.

Become part of this movement and join others in changing business practices to better our families and communities.

Family Positive Workplace Certification is a way to differentiate your company and showcase it as a place where employees are supported.  Certification helps recruit and retain employees and creates a workplace that invests in your employees by caring about the needs of their families. Policies that promote work-life balance increase employee loyalty and positively impact communities as a whole.

We welcome and encourage all companies to apply! There is no definition of “family” within this program. We know families come in all shapes and sizes, as do companies and organizations.

Please visit Oklahoma Certified Family Positive Workplace to find more detailed application information and complete the online application. For questions or more information, please contact Linda Manaugh at (405) 486-4955 or lmanaugh@pottsfamilyfoundation.org.
"OK25by25" - Raising Oklahoma's rankings of early childhood wellbeing to the top 25 states by 2025!

You can make a difference!

Question Title

* 1. Business Name

Question Title

* 2. # of Employees

Question Title

* 3. Street Address

Question Title

* 4. City

Question Title

* 5. State

Question Title

* 6. Zip

Question Title

* 7. Contact Person

Question Title

* 8. Position

Question Title

* 9. E-Mail Address

Question Title

* 10. Phone:

Question Title

* 11. Secondary Contact

Question Title

* 12. Secondary Contact

Question Title

* 13. Type of Business:

Question Title

* 14. If you selected other on the previous question please specify.

Question Title

* 15. Please provide a short description of your company:

Question Title

* 16. How did you hear about Family Positive Workplace?

Question Title

* 17. If you selected other on the previous question please specify.

Question Title

* 18. Are you a past FPW company reapplying?

Question Title

* 19. Check the Workplace Flexibility options your business provides

Please choose to answer EITHER the "Vacation, Sick or other Leave" section OR the "Paid/Personal Time Off (PTO)" Section

Question Title

* 20. If your company provides Vacation, Sick or other leave, check the options your business provides

Question Title

* 21. If your company provides Paid/Personal Leave (PTO), check the options your business offers.  Employees may use PTO for vacation, illness, injury, or personal business.

Question Title

* 22. Check the Employee Benefit options your business provides (Health) - This is an employee welfare benefit plan established or maintained by the employer that includes care for participants or their dependents directly or through insurance,  reimbursement, or otherwise.   
To calculate the percentage of premium paid by the employer, divide the employer paid monthly premium by the total monthly premium to get X number. Then multiply that number by 100 to obtain the exact percentage premium paid by the employer.

Employer Paid Monthly Premium for family coverage

______________ = X number x 100 = % of Premium Paid by Employer

Total Monthly Premium

Ex: $600/$1,000 = 0.6 x 100 = 60% of the Premium is paid by Employer

Question Title

* 23. Check the Employee Benefit options your business provides (Dental)

Question Title

* 24. Check the Employee Benefit options your business provides (Vision)

Question Title

* 25. Check the Employee Benefit options your business provides (Disability)

Question Title

* 26. Check the Employee Benefit options your business provides (Life)

Question Title

* 27. Check the Employee Benefit options your business provides (Voluntary Insurance Programs)

Question Title

* 28. Check the Employee Benefit options your business provides (Additional Benefits)

Question Title

* 29. Check the Other Family Positive Benefits your business provides

Question Title

* 30. Check the Parental/Family Resources & Accommodations your business provides, along with additional training provided.

Question Title

* 31. Other Family Positive Workplace Practices that your business provides:

Question Title

* 32. What made you and your organization want to initiate and become certified in Family Positive Policies?

Question Title

* 33. Have Family Positive Policies improved staff morale, given employees' flexibility, or increased the value of your staff benefits package? If so, please explain.

Question Title

* 34. Please provide any testimonials you have received from employees since implementing Family Positive Policies.  If possible, provide two or three employee comments.

Question Title

* 35. If available, please provide a copy of your organizations Family Positive Policies. This will aide in the certification process.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File
To receive points for early childhood literature for employees, employers may bring early childhood information to the attention of their employees through lunch & learn classes, speakers, articles, books, videos, and other resources. Examples include discussing and distributing information at company meetings, including articles in the company newsletter or other communication media. These resources may be obtained from a local family resource center or other family-oriented agencies or organizations. Please visit http://www.ok25by25.org to find more detailed information and resources.
In addition to the above criteria, employers might consider the following policies and practices that would align well with the Potts Family Foundation's OK25by25 initiative, supporting FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN, PRE-BIRTH TO FIVE. (www.pottsfamilyfoundation.org)

1. Support local backpack programs and other back-to-school projects
2. Maintain an internal food pantry program for employees working at or below the poverty line.
3. Offer wages that start at or above $12.07 an hour.
4. Have a confidential employee assistance program that will assist employees in registering for additional         Food Assistance such as SNAP, or reduced school lunch programs.
5. Check into arranging a tuition discount program with a local college or university.
6. Sponsor and encourage employees to attend school reading nights, math nights, science, and
     after-school programs.

7. Offer free flu shots to the family regardless they are on your health plan or not. 
8. Offer pre-natal and post-birth counseling as part of your employee wellness program.
9. Provide information for free or reduced-cost vaccinations for families.

Question Title

* 36. Agreement and Signature
By submitting this application, I affirm to the best of my knowledge that the above statements are accurate and complete. I understand if my business is accepted as a Certified Workplace, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in disqualification for the recognition.

Name (Printed)

Question Title

* 37. Signature

Question Title

* 38. Date


Question Title

* 39. The Family Positive Workplace Certification Program will often make presentations, flyers, and handouts to promote the program. These promotional items may include past testimonials and responses from recipients of the Certification. Please indicate below if you will allow the Family Positive Workplace Council to use your testimonials and open-ended responses of this application for promoting the Family Positive Workplace Certification Program.

This document may be reviewed and revised on a scheduled basis and as deemed appropriate and necessary with or without notice by the Family Positive Workplace Council. 

Please visit http:www.pottsfamilyfoundation.org to find more detailed application information. For questions or more information, please contact Linda Manaugh at lmanaugh@pottsfamilyfoundation.org    Thank you!