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Development impacts (e.g. habitat loss, pollution) are affecting the health of and ecological services provided by shorelines across Canada.

Green Shores® is a program based in British Columbia that actively promotes the implementation of natural shorelines in developed areas by providing science-based tools, a certification system, and guidance around best practices to minimize the impacts of new developments and restore shoreline ecosystem function of previously developed sites.

The Stewardship Centre for British Columbia and Natural Resources Canada have launched a project to assess the potential of extending the Green Shores® program to Atlantic Canada.

We would like your help to assess this opportunity. By completing this survey of 11 questions you can help customize Green Shores® to the needs of Atlantic Canada. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. We will keep individual responses confidential. The survey closes on March 4, 2020.

For further information, please contact DG Blair, Executive Director of the Stewardship Centre for BC (

Question Title

* 1. In which jurisdictions do you own waterfront property or properties? Select all that apply.

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* 2. Is your waterfront property in urban or rural areas?

Note #1: Soft armouring, also known as soft shoreline approaches and living or natural shoreline protection, uses natural materials (e.g., plants, sand, wood, and rocks) to protect and stabilize a shoreline edge. This approach contrasts with hard armouring, which uses traditional shoreline protection structures such as vertical concrete seawalls, dikes and bulkhead systems.

Question Title

* 3. How important to you are the following shoreline-development concerns?

  Extremely unimportant Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant Important Extremely Important
Algae blooms
Cost of maintaining protective structures
Lack of wildlife habitat
Loss of shoreline access
Pollution from shoreline development
Property value
Reduced coastal biodiversity
Saltwater intrusion of wells
Sea-level rise
Seasonal and/or storm surge flooding
Shoreline erosion
Water quality
Waterfront insurance rates

Question Title

* 4. There is a good scientific basis for incorporating natural features into shoreline development and the benefits that these features bring. How important to you are the following benefits to adopting soft shoreline approaches?

  Extremely unimportant Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant Important Extremely important Don't know
Soft shoreline approaches make shorelines accessible, eliminating drop-offs and walls.
Soft shoreline approaches make shorelines more secure against erosion and flooding.
Soft shoreline approaches protect against rising sea levels
Soft shoreline approaches can be used on a variety of shoreline types.
Soft shoreline approaches beautify shorelines.
Soft shoreline approaches add native vegetation and wildlife habitat.

Question Title

* 5. How familiar are you with the following soft shoreline techniques for shore development?

  Not at all familiar (I’ve never heard of it) Slightly familiar (I’ve heard of it but never seen it applied) Moderately familiar (I’ve heard of it and seen it applied by others) Very familiar (I’ve heard of it and have adopted it on the property that I own/manage) Extremely familiar (I teach or provide professional services to support its application)
Beach nourishment, restoration or construction
Boardwalks for crossing over sensitive ecosystems
Dune and wetland construction
Removal or modification of structures that impede longshore sediment movement
Restoration and construction of (nearshore) reefs and berms
Retention and placement of stumps and logs as protective features
Shore vegetation preservation
Use of native riparian vegetation as landscape features

Question Title

* 6. There are a number of existing programs that promote sustainable shoreline development. How familiar are you with the following programs?

  Not at all familiar (I’ve never heard of it) Slightly familiar (I’ve heard of it but never seen it applied) Moderately familiar (I’ve heard of it and seen it applied by others) Very familiar (I’ve heard of it and have adopted it on the property that I own/manage) Extremely familiar (I teach or provide professional services to support its application)
Blue Flag
Green Shores
Grey to Green Shorelines
Living Shorelines
Shore Friendly
Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines (WEDG)
Note #2: Green Shores® is an initiative of the Stewardship Centre for BC (SCBC), with a vision to support Canada’s marine and lake waterfront communities in minimizing impacts of shoreline development and climate change, while preserving or enhancing shoreline ecology and ecosystem services.

To fulfill its vision, the Green Shores program offers i) education and training, ii) support for local governments through a dedicated working group, and iii) a shoreline project enrollment, credit and rating system for projects on commercial, residential (including single-family, multi-family and subdivisions), institutional and park properties.

Question Title

* 7. From your perspective, what would discourage adoption of the Green Shores® approach to shoreline projects? Rate each of the following factors (with 1 being least discouraging and 5 most discouraging).

  1 (least discouraging) 2 3 4 5 (most discouraging)
Cost of shoreline assessments (a pre-requisite to apply Green Shores®)
Project design costs (engineering, landscaping, etc.)
Permitting issues
Lack of information about Green Shores®
Lack of demonstrated success (e.g., no one you know has applied it)
Lack of local service providers (engineers, construction contractors) capable of applying Green Shores® approaches

Question Title

* 8. From your perspective, what would encourage adoption of the Green Shores® approach to shoreline projects? Rate each of the following factors (with 1 being least encouraging and 5 being most encouraging).

  1 (least encouraging) 2 3 4 5 (most encouraging)
Access to expertise in shoreline project design
Changes in regulations and permitting that make it easier to implement the Green Shores® approach
Demonstration sites
Financial incentives
Free shoreline assessments
Free workshops for homeowners and shoreline professionals
Increase in public awareness/education
More information about how to implement the Green Shores® approach
Public recognition for obtaining Green Shores® certification

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* 9. Would you be interested in participating in a training program to learn more about the Green Shores® program?

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* 10. Would you be interested in staying informed about implementation of a soft shoreline program such as Green Shores® in your jurisdiction(s) of Atlantic Canada? If yes, please include your contact information.

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* 11. Do you have anything else to share? Maximum 100 words.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

For more information about the Green Shores® program or the results of this survey, please contact DG Blair, Executive Director of the Stewardship Centre for BC (
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