Take this 10-question quiz and see what you REALLY know about the Greeks.

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At the market close on Monday, January 30th, once all results are in, we'll email you an answer key so you can grade yourself. 

Good luck!

Question Title

* 1. _______ measures an option position's sensitivity to time passing.

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* 2. The XYZ March 50 - 55 bull call spread has a(n) _______ delta than the XYZ March 50 call.

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* 3. If a given option has a positive theta, it will have a _______ gamma.

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* 4. If implied volatility increases, the delta of an out-of-the-money option _______.

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* 5. As time passes, the theta of an out-of-the-money option _______.

Question Title

* 6. Scenario: A trader owns one 50-strike call, which has a 44 delta. The underlying stock splits 2 for 1. Now the trader owns two 25-strike calls.
Question: What is the delta of each of his calls after the stock split?

Question Title

* 7. Scenario: A trader owns one 50-strike call, which has a 0.04 theta. The underlying stock splits 2 for 1. Now the trader owns two 25-strike calls.
Question: What is the theta of each of his calls after the stock split?

Question Title

* 8. As the X-dividend date approaches, some in-the-money call deltas tend to _______.

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* 9. Calls with more time until expiration have a _______ rho than a corresponding shorter-term call of the same strike.

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* 10. Imagine a European-style, deep-in-the-money put has as delta of 0.993. All else held constant, the delta would be _______ if it was American-style exercise.

Question Title

* 11. Please leave name and a valid email address to get your answer key emailed to you Monday afternoon.