Survey Directions:

Mt. Pleasant established eight major goals from the City's previously adopted plans that correspond to the major themes of the MT PLEASANT VISION 2050 Comprehensive Plan (for example: Housing and Neighborhoods or Transportation).  These goals, as related to community planning, are general statements of ideals which the City strives towards. 

Within each goal are a number of objectives which support and identify methods by which the goals of the Comprehensive Plan may be realized. 

In each of the eight survey questions below, please designate two objectives that you feel are a top priority for the MT PLEASANT VISION 2050 Plan.  Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Sustainable Land Use
Goal: Strive to ensure viable land uses that secure neighborhoods, enhance parks, and encourage vital businesses through sensible infill, complementary services, and targeted preservation.

  Top Priority #1 Top Priority #2
Objective 1.1:
Encourage redevelopment that locates people within walkable and bikeable distances from essential services, jobs, and recreation.
Objective 1.2:
Encourage mixed uses and neighborhood-scale business development to serve residential areas and complement Mission Street and Downtown.
Objective 1.3:
Require new structures to harmonize with architectural precedents of highly-valued historical structures and
Objective 1.4:
Preserve neighborhood character through property maintenance requirements and code enforcement.
Objective 1.5:
Improve landscape aesthetics and entryways within neighborhoods and business areas.
Objective 1.6:
Incentivize investment that addresses non-conforming land uses and blighted properties consistent with City codes and Zoning Ordinance.
Objective 1.7: 
Encourage greater variety and mix of housing types within neighborhoods that provide opportunities for assisted living, downsizing, families, students, and first-time homebuyers.
Objective 1.8:
Enable adaptive reuse to preserve historic buildings, particularly within the Downtown. Require that new structures be of similar quality, and designed to be easily used for multiple purposes. 

Question Title

* 2. Connected Mobility Systems
Goal: Encourage smart, inviting, and attractive streets through infrastructure and operational investments that link people to places by walking, biking, driving, and transit.

  Top Priority #1 Top Priority #2
Objective 2.1:
Support neighborhood traffic calming measures to ensure safety and improve right-of-way aesthetics.
Objective 2.2:
Maintain the roadway network and consistently evaluate system operations to ensure service objectives are met for all modes.
Objective 2.3:
Partner with MDOT and CMU to reimagine Mission Street as a vital business district and front door to the community and university.
Objective 2.4:
Retrofit the roadway network to provide safe accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Objective 2.5:
Prepare for the emergence of new transportation technologies by revisioning traditional uses of the transportation network and by investing in new mobility strategies and "smart" infrastructure.
Objective 2.6: 
Expand public transit opportunities in the City.
Objective 2.7: 
Ensure that the Mt. Pleasant Municipal Airport continues to be utilized as a regional nexus, and link to the local transportation
Objective 2.8:
Continue to evaluate parking assets and requirements to make sure that current and future technologies and travel patterns are encouraging the highest and best use of land.

Question Title

* 3. Focused Redevelopment
Goal: Activate the City’s most underutilized development sites to realize the value of nearby public and private assets through adaptable, durable, and future-facing structures and landscapes.

  Top Priority #1 Top Priority #2
Objective 3.1:
Promote economic vitality along the Mission Street commercial corridor that is consistent with the City’s form-based code and aesthetic values.
Objective 3.2: 
Improve multimodal accessibility along and across the Mission Street commercial corridor.
Objective 3.3:
Promote a compatible relationship between commercial developments on the Mission Street corridor and adjacent land uses.
Objective 3.4:
Continue to identify site development priorities and work to foster public-private partnerships to create new places in the City.
Objective 3.5:
Promote culturally sensitive, responsive, sustainable, and accessible site design throughout the City.
Objective 3.6: 
Promote a vital mix of businesses and uses within the Downtown, including uses that have flexible hours of operation, provide entertainment, and events.
Objective 3.7: 
Improve pedestrian access and walkability within the Downtown and the connections to surrounding neighborhoods and parks.
Objective 3.8
Encourage incremental new development projects in outlying neighborhoods on the North, West, and East that are compatible with walkable neighborhood form.

Question Title

* 4. Exceptional Parks and Public Spaces
Goal: Build the value of the City’s expansive park system through maintenance and enhancement of natural environment and programmed spaces, while elevating awareness of the system to residents and visitors.

  Top Priority #1 Top Priority #2
Objective 4.1:
Continue to develop facilities that serve Mt. Pleasant families and provide activities for all stages of life.
Objective 4.2:
Develop a City-wide bike/hike/path system that connects parks to neighborhoods, CMU, Downtown, Mission Street, and regional pathways.
Objective 4.3:
Improve pedestrian and bicycle access within the park system and provide recreation opportunities that are oriented towards non-motorized park access.
Objective 4.4:
Continue and enhance park development, improvements, and maintenance.
Objective 4.5:
Continue, expand and improve recreation programs.
Objective 4.6:
Develop recreation-based partnerships with County,  townships, CMU, schools, and the Tribe. 
Objective 4.7: 
Improve and support river access and stewardship.
Objective 4.8
Provide expanded recreation opportunities to residents live east of Mission St. through development of new parkland. 
Objective 4.9:
Market City parks and recreation facilities to new and existing City residents to foster greater awareness.

Question Title

* 5. Innovative Services
Goal: Foster collaboration in attaining a safe, healthy, fiscally solvent, and accessible City that is reflective of community culture, proactive to community preferences, and equitable in community resources.

  Top Priority #1 Top Priority #2
Objective 5.1:
Increase tourism and marketing of the City to draw more people to the Downtown.
Objective 5.2:
Enhance and improve employment opportunities and training for higher paying/non-service sector jobs.
Objective 5.3:
Encourage greater community involvement and coordination with public safety to help identify community issues, reduce crime, and increase safety.
Objective 5.4:
Increase cooperation and coordination between government and other organizations.
Objective 5.5:
Improve neighborhood services and encourage creation of neighborhood organizations, particularly to strengthen the relationship between the City, local neighborhoods, CMU, and its students.
Objective 5.6:
Improve environmental services and regulations in the City, particularly recycling opportunities.
Objective 5.7:
Continue to develop public facilities to serve the needs of City residents and visitors.